Women strive for a long-term healthy lifestyle which is free from risks that may potentially cause complications in the future. During a hysterectomy, the uterus is removed which often leads to a decision about removal of other organs such as the ovaries. Many gynecologists decide to remove the ovaries with a hysterectomy if the woman is younger than 51 to reduce the risk of cancer. What will influence the extent of your hysterectomy procedure?
Evaluate The Risks & Live Healthier
There are several different types of a hysterectomy but frequently the procedure involves an oophorectomy where the ovaries are removed. The decision to have a hysterectomy is usually due to any of the following reasons: fibroids, chronic pelvic pain, uterine prolapsed, endometriosis, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and cancer of the uterus, ovaries, or cervix.
Ovaries removed during a hysterectomy are believed to reduce the risk for ovarian cancer by 80-90% and breast cancer by 50-60% with no further HRT. However, hormone levels drastically drop after the ovaries are removed since they are the main producer of estrogen.
After a hysterectomy, immediate hormone replacement therapy is vital towards feeling your best as healthy hormone levels are maintained. Dr. Mac or Kristi guide many women to make a long-term decision in their best interest and retain a healthy lifestyle with hormone replacement therapy. Will you choose HRT to counteract the hormones you have lost?
Why You Should Choose HRT
A hysterectomy treats numerous conditions and lowers a woman’s risk for cancer. With hormone replacement therapy, a woman’s quality of life is greatly improved since hormones affect the body in a variety of ways. Non-replacement of hormones would increase the aging process and lead to an earlier possibility of dying. Additionally, other chronic conditions may develop that include arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and osteoporosis.